shacc.ch stands for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Competence Centre, a website of the expert group construction of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid (SHA). This website aims at providing practical information around construction in humanitarian settings. Core of this website is a user-friendly library with selected publications to support SHA members and other practitioners in planning, implementation and evaluation of humanitarian projects in the respective technical fields. This website is open to all.
Swiss Humanitarian Aid
The Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) is a militia corps with a pool of around 700 people ready for duty and who are divided up into expert groups according to their knowledge and abilities. The SHA is one of the Swiss government's humanitarian aid instruments, which is available for direct actions and supports international organizations with its specialists (secondment).
Construction group
Aim of the specialized group is to assess, advise, implement and monitor construction projects for SDC or partner organizations. The range of project is wide and reaches from emergency shelter to permanent reconstruction, from housing to public services, including site planning and sanitation components. The group is organizing training modules for its members as well as for partner organizations.The training courses are focusing on planning, energy and disaster risk reduction as well as sanitation and health issues. The training courses are scheduled on a yearly base and the topics are always linked to real reconstruction programs.
The shacc.ch website is under mandate from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, but the content is independent and does not necessarily represent the views of the Swiss Federation in all matters.
Contact us
shacc.ch: contact@shacc.ch
Expert Group Construction: egc@humaid.swiss
SDC Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA)
Effingerstrasse 27 3003 Berne
Phone: +41 (0)58 462 31 24
Fax: +41 (0)58 464 16 94