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Postconflict School Reconstruction, THURKKAPURAM SCHOOL, Tellipalai, Jaffna District

Etter Peter
Factsheet, English, 5 pages


Reconstruction and New construction In agreement with the Ministry of Education, the School Works Branch (SWB), the village authorities and the principal, SDC decided to rebuild the Thurkkapuram School (approx. 150 students) and therewith establish a decisive return factor for the former residents of the area. The main school building was newly constructed while the former heavily damaged main building dating from 1910 was demolished to make space for a kitchen, a separate toilet block, an elevated water tank of 9m3 and a water fountain area. The annex building dating from 1985 was restored and is used as preschool (approx. 30 children), library and an office area. A small maintenance annex offers cover for a school maintenance person and essential tools. The whole project is closely accompagnied by the parent’s community that further ventures to take on responsabilities in developing and managing a sustainable school maintenance scheme.

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Construction | Construction Techniques | Reconstruction | Educational buildings


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